president chiuy?president chiu: i want to thank everyone for the many, many years of conversations we have had about the north beach library. regardless if you support it, you of helped to make a better one. i also want to thank everyone, including the planning office and dpw. the very first meeting i held after being elected was about a north beach library, and we have, a long way, but from my perspective, i think we need to move forward. the north beach library is one of the most use sites in the city, and from my perspective, the current library has been inadequate, it picks -- in accessible, and seismically unsafe. we have been envious of you and all of the right -- ribbon cutting june and going to. we have the opportunity to build a bigger library and a bigger plaza. we all know it takes a village to raise the children, and i think it takes a village to raise our libraries. i think eir is adequate for what we want to do, and this point, i want to make a motion that we affirm this and table item 4