very vivid, when people lived in the desert, and there was a period of dryness, in mexico in the chivahua desert ate only cacti, we can determine this by their teeth and fossilized caprolite, and it turns out that only thanks to microbes, they cried, but continued, there was something else, and there they consumed 120 g of fiber daily, this fiber was mainly called inulin, we cannot digest inulin, we do not have enzymes , it seems that people survived precisely thanks to microbes that live in the large intestine, and why is it that we have such microbes and they have different ones, where does all this come from, when a child is born, he is probably sterile yes, well almost, yes, we believe that almost sterile, at least, yes, no microbes play any role in his intestines immediately passing through. through the birth canal, through vaginal juices, the child is seeded with the mother’s healthy fermented milk microflora, and then swallows it on the skin, and further the goal, since we are born underdeveloped and immunity will mature, well, over the next 6 months very strong changes will occur in the