chloe chan: and you mimight ththink that, like, oh, the papandemic is s over, rig?ceover):: but thisis father anand son have made it their mission to help l local restataurants afffd byby the pandedemic not only survivive but thrhrive by creatating the mott street eatetery, chinatown'n's first fofood cou. when this place closed down, i told my dad, you u know, rentnts are e so expensisive. i think ththe only wayay this pe would d survive, i if it was, ,, a a food courtrt and make et affofordable foror restaurans to open upup. and he saiaid that was a greaeat idea. paige desorbo: do you feel like ththis is the nexext generatition of f? yeyeah. i thinink for, likike, new york city y especiallyly, just go o to the fooood cour. get t different t things and stay a at the sameme table as friends, family.. so briringing eveverything into one e roof and come in and enjojoy it. what c can i make e for you? paige e desorbo (v(voiceover: one of itsts newest reresidens is chef jiro, who has tantalized palates at domo sushi in tribecaca for almosost 20 ye. today,y, he has a a ne