chloe kelcher. chloe kelcher. that is familiar. chloe kelcher. she was on the jury. well, that makes sense. she would have been exposedto the case evidence, seen firsthand what he did to his victims. hotchner: that's when she fell in love with him, sitting across the courtroom every day. sheriff: well, it's one thing to have a relationship with a killer, it's another to become one. reid: there might have been an incident that prompted the transformation. i think i know what it was. microvesicular steatosis. her baby died at the hospital. clear! clear. she's not here. all right. we all know what the end game is. she's looking for her final victim. she may have already chosen one.let's tear this place apart, look for anything that might tell us who she's targeted. look at this. she did everything she could to deny the truth. what, that he was a killer? that they'd never be together. note the view. daddy's watching. hotchner: it must have devastated her to think completing his murders became the only way she could hold on to him. not the only way. well... guess that ans