yes, those same courses for our immigrant population cho w.h.o. are just struggling to master many of the a to g course requirements, particularly that have a language component and they need to be able to master that to move on to the more advanced courses. it doesn't help them in any way if they are getti minimum passi move on to the more rigorous courses. it's a foundation that's very shaky and we want it to be solid. those are the things i wanted to mention. also f. we even imagine our students would get out of sfusd and happen to move on to the community college, the city college and a lot -- csu, they're not doing remediation classes anymore. they said that. they can't afford it. our students lead us with nowhere to go to get the courses to move on through the four-year college with the fidelity. and also the jobs because even though trade work because if this point the trades have told us, we need your students to come really ready and have that rigorous course schedule because that helps them ascend in the trades and not stay at the labore