. >> white is a good choicice.need a good cop and historically the new york attorney general doeoes that, because we have not been getting that from washington. i think she will be effectiveve. there are concerns about conflicts of interest because she defends white-collar folks that are accused o crimes s on wall s stree but that isis just the way the law works. >> a lot of gamames to watch and we will be watching them in the coming months. stay with us. >> welelcome back. we always like to hear fromou. there arare all kinds of ways t to connect with us using siall media. let us kw aboutopics you would like to see diussed. you can alwlways find a streaeaming versrsion of the sho at wjla.com. than for joining us.s. i am rebecca cooper. look, every daye're using more and more energy. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ ♪ that's why right here in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. wh