federal reserve noticed a tremendous drawdown of the money market accounts in the united states to the chona of five hundred and fifty billion dollars we were having an electronic run on the banks that their estimation was that by two o'clock that afternoon five and a half trillion dollars would have been brought out of the money market system of the united states would have collapsed the entire economy of the united states and within twenty four hours the world economy has shell shocked congress was given a three page plan in essence it gave paulson total control to spend seven hundred billion dollars some saw it as a power grab others sold to deliberate creation of the crisis to push through a corporate agenda. troll the media enough to ensure that the public will not notice that this bailout will in-depth them for generations what was unique was the refusal of congress to hear any testimony from expert witnesses or to have eric billion dollar bailout for wall street is being driven by fear not backed this is too much money into short a time going to too few people while too many questions