eventually emerge and achievement more normal stance but i don't disagree with paul that european chopin are in more difficult states, but honestly having thinking about the evidence that the comments about it's effective or not, that's kind of a medium narrative if you actually look at the research, the evidence is strong and it is effective. >> i thought you were going to propose a higher inflation target any threw me off my gate by talking about wages, have you surrendered on the idea that 2% inflation is too low? >> now, just checking, there's a timing issue, i think it's still a completely reasonable proposal that should be discussed, announcing today 4% is basically, has zero credibility so there is probably another time can i comment on that because we have some research that is prone into this. >> so the argument that you raise to get more space seems to be very salient but it firms are going to be more flexible in their pricing and if this means that they change their prices more often it goes back to my original point which means monetary policy would have to act even more aggr