of the rehearsals of the rehearsals of these two guys, contrasting in appearance , were defined by chopov as acrobats. what is it when there are some complicated acrobatic ones. uh, posture tricks are being done. so it looks parodic and funny. here it is such an excentric. and so he became them to i began to cook for this, as they say, to pull. and this couple of guys didn't realize yet that they signed up for this circle in this circus studio. they chose not only their profession. they chose their fate of difficult, complex pain. in the ussr, the flourishing of amateur performances, folk theaters, folk choirs, folk ensembles and chipovsky, having gathered these boys and girls , ensured that his team won the title of folk, and not their well-knit program was shown on all stages of molodechno was shown in all sdk rural houses culture, and this is the program of the national circus, molodechno reached such a level that chapovsky realized that some of his pupils had outgrown the level of the regional house of culture, that he, as a coach , could not give them anything more, and he ensured th