. >> stephen: (laughter) chors plaus. >> stephen: sadly the brisk inviting salty air has struck me with a severe case of fisherman's foot for which there is no cure. >> stephen: but chuck, surely you have insurance. >> i did, stephen, until recently. i should have known. coming home from the workplace my foot was throbbing which is a portent of ill news. peering into the post box i discovered a letter revealing that the terrible truth. my monthly payments once lower than a well digger's heel had suddenly risen up like the roadway which claimed the life of my brother jacob. it was his 8th birthday. was he the lucky one? and it's all because of the affordable care-- line! (applause) >> line. i am trying, dammit! (cheers and applause) >> the affordable care act, yes, i've got it now. thank you. oh, boys, let me embrace you. before death embraces me. >> stephen: are these your sons. >> yes, sir. this is my son thomas and this is thomas's understudy thomas. (laughter) >> poppa, you look sick. >> what? your daddy's as strong as a bear. now you boys run along and you help your mother dig the h