. >> commissioner pating commissioner president chow commissiioner sanchez item 2 the approval of two sets the minutes december 4th, 2014 which is the joint commission meeting and december 16, 2014 so commissioners let's take december 4th first a motion for the approval of the december 4th joint meeting minutes. >> motion to approve. >> second. >> are there any correction or another items the only correction under page 2 public comment to clarify that it is not a clipper car but a clipper card that is. >> oh, i apologize i'll back and correct that. >> just so it's clear. >> any other corrections if not all in favor, say i. >> i opposed those minutes are passed we'll go on to december 16th minutes of our commission a motion please is in order. >> so moved ii heard that a second. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. any other comments if not all in favor, say i. of the minutes. >> i opposed the minutes are passes. >> item 3 thank you, commissioners the director's report. >> happy new year commissioners i wanted to share that dr. joel was presented a certificate of honor by board of superv