chriris moore is at the environment ministry. he had to go. j just one story, but a week of allegations including thahat he entertained vivisitors that did d not have o withhis official function, giant lobster, champagne, et cetera. ministers living extravagantly off the public purse is not unheheard of in francnc but the context is different this time around. emmanuelel macroron's government facing the y yellow vests protesters out on the street.. the protetests have ebbeded recently. fact that macron came to power a couple years ago in the wake of a number ofof during g a campaigign claiming he wowould be the m mao clean up french politics. the environment ministry has been troubled for a while. >> yes. -- it is hadoccupant 14 incumbents in 20 years. predecessorrugy's walked out of the job, claimimig the governrnment was not taking the environment seriously enough.. france's environment watctchdog has releaseded a reporort sayine country isis not living up to is own targets. emmanuel macron sasays he wantso refocus attentntn on the environme