photographer and writer chris arnade travelled 100,000 miles across america talking to those voters. two factors drove their vote -- they say -- their economic fears and the desire for respect. i spoke with him in new york. >> chris, nice to have you. >> you've got an interesting background, you worked on wall st, have a phd in physics. what led you to hop in your car and cover 100,000 miles to get to know the trump voter? >> my career on wall street taught me that sometimes you make decisions without understanding the impact of those decisions so i wanted to see the impact of the decisions we had made on wall st and many of those were awful and i wanted to see that first hand and talk to the people in the united states. >> did you know early on that trump had a good chance to go all the way to the presidency when you started this trip? >> i had a better idea than most people, i think. i was going primarily to communities impacted by drugs, looking at the impact of addiction and where i saw drugs entering i also saw trump supporters. early on, i heard people saying, this guy is resona