but there are a few people who know more about music torture than he does mike thank you chris arraf our yeah. i love trying to understand a little bit better about how music is used in interrogation the event name of the game here is to create some dependency of that prisoner on the interrogator you want that prisoner dependent on the interrogator and the more you can isolate that person the better you're going to be able to do that and sound is in isolation you know appear whereas you know you saw. a lot of reports of guantanamo bay and stuff other things like mittens so that there's a tactile oh i see or goggles they can't see or hoods you know these are all designed to isolate the individual and sound as another way of doing so just having so much sound that you can experience any other sound of her actually on. so you maybe can you know yourself think rightly so for that point of view just it's not so much that it's musical it's just that it's incredibly loud and then it's keeps you from hearing anything also could keep you awake so you won't sleep so it creates some sort of sle