people are tweeting me, cheering him on, chris balboa, chris balboa!> the irish pony, not the italian stallian. >> poor guy, has to make it to the art museum stems. we have a casting agent in the studio in a little bit. casting the next rocky move. >> i creed, will start filming in just couple of weeks, so trying to see if chris has what it takes to be in the movie. i don't know. >> 3.3 miles to ninth and washington, to the steps. okay, hang in there, chris. hey, new website offering a fun and kind of creative way to prank people that you just don't like. >> it is called ship your enemies glitter. com. how it sound. for about eight bunks, only eight bucks, the australian based website will towelly mail an envelope pack with glitter to any address that you give them. the colorful care package also includes anonymous note telling your enemy why they deserve the annoying glitter gram. say they've gotten almost 1,000 orders just this week alone,. >> actually crashed their site. don't be surprised if you get some grit they are week. >> for sure. all the way