chris barron, i will start with you.tead of complaining about optics, instead of blaming the american people for telling them to bite the bullet and live through it, shouldn't the administration be more proactive when it comes to the multitude of crises in many ways people are suffering? >> to any of these crisis, any at all, i've never seen the administration more on interested, unwilling or simply unable to do anything about a multitude of crisis is. legitimately in my entire lifetime, democratic or republican. i've never had a white house that's had more excuses for why they are absolutely powerless. someone ought to remind joe biden he ran for the job of president. i know he spent the entire campaign hiding in his basement avoiding any type of scrutiny whatsoever so maybe we shouldn't be surprised this is the type of president we get but he wanted this job, he asked the american people to elect him to the highest office in the land. now he sits there and has a goal to tell us all the time he can't do anything about i