chris belter's mother is a lawyer. father is a lawyer.tepfather -- the stepfather is a businessman, a very successful businessman. have to believe that that is what played a role in this. to get the probation officer to testify as say, "yeah, he violated patient but we are not advocating for present time," is shocking to me. the therapist who was asked to evaluate chris belter, an expert, renowned expert in criminal sexual conduct and rehabilitation and recidivism, he testified in open court and said, "this man is likely to reoffend." and then he was asked, "is it in chris belter's this interest to go in prison?" he responded, "after 10 years of therapy and drugs, maybe able to be cured." the judge hung his hat on that. this should not be about what is in chris belter's best interest, but justice for the victims and secondarily, protecting society from someone who the court's own expert set is likely to reoffend. amy: to be clear, his mother and others have been charged, is that right, in aiding and abetting, giving some of the young peop