i'm chris bigelow. i'm here stite my strong support for the proposed ordinance to amend the control tables to reference the polk pacific area design guidelines. the enhanced text plus illustrations and photographs will establish well-defined criteria for the evaluation proposed projects with respect to the varied and fine-grained context of the neighborhood. please approve the i initiation of this process. >> next speaker please. >> good afternoon commissioners. i want to echo what my peers before me said. this is truly a process. that was a collaboration between the department and community committees. it was a pleasure to work with the department. it was a pleasure to work with my pierce and other groups. i want to thank the department for recognizing our lower polk alley vision plan. i hope to have an opportunity to present that to the commission so you can learn more about it. but this was really just the wonderful process. i think it's great that it's going to be codified. i look forward to having