within the studio is chris cleverley an entrepreneur and c.e.o. of kemarre point he made it his mission to develop economic mechanisms that help ordinary people across the continent the continent and blocked and you say is quite important for that 1st of all if you take a look at libor what is stronger the enabling fact of the day to day uses all the dangers for local currencies well if you look about the very words you used earlier about the unbanked i think the most important thing right now is to make sure that those people have a way in the means with which to transact with each other at low interest rates interest rates can monitor about 30 percent for farms in africa and also have the ability to go across borders so overall it's a very important thing right now in africa to to have currencies like libra but cryptocurrency is in general have many critics warning of that volatility than the lack of regulation taxation issues and cyber fraud how do you see that let's look at some of those so one of those image does cross border so cross border