wrong or even stupid today on made we'll be examining a range of illusions in the economy i'm chris colfer welcome to the show now one big illusion that drives people in business is the notion that you can make a fast buck for a little work if someone promises that you should be suspicious my colleague went undercover to examine the world of multilevel marketing which has often been criticized as a pyramid scheme. or. sounds pretty cool the whole thing cost me $86650.00 euro's capital and i've never met anybody who's taken out more money than they paid in multi-level or network marketing 1st time i heard of it was because a good friend who had go involved with it and tried to sell me let's say some funny stuff. and it goes like this you become an independent seller of a product weight loss shakes make up of financial products just about anything goes plus you can make money by bringing people into the system you earn a percentage of their sales too but of course this can't go on forever every member recruits 5 new people they in turn recruit 5 new people after 14 times there will be more p