he did that. >> so for every one there is a chris condon. >> that's his problem. he could really lucked out, but he could also bomb in his judgment. >> he did on a few times, but he had home runs much more often than he had any right to even hope for anything. so i mean, i could keep you here for two weeks telling brower stories and i'm learning a lot from all this staff, all this research. maybe a try to be quick about one fairly famous story. you may all know it. some of you may not. but one of my favorite lines he gave before a house committee in about 53 or 54 and the dinosaur that can alluded to before, as ken said, it was a very small group, the environmental movement, conservation movement in those days. there's people from the wilderness society and the national parks association was influential and prominent in the izaak walton lead, which no one has ever heard about anymore. anyway, they were fighting about these two dams that were proposed for construction inside dinosaur national monument, which is part of the national park system. the national monumen