chris cooley positions himself behind the wall, but the pass serves as a transition to a shot of cooley behind the wall where a violent looking hole has already been precut. a simple digital touch-up masks the hole. in the few frames prior to impact, cooley thrusts his hand through the hole, and dust and debri does the rest. notice cooley's hand is gone before the camera starts to reposition. a moment later, the ball is placed in cooley's hand. a clean background plate is used to hide that fact, and cooley emerges victorious. >> pull. >> and what about joe flacco at the shooting range? >> they filmed every element that makes it happen separately. joe flacco throwing the ball, the pigeon flying in the sky, and flack coco's ball hitting t and combine it in one motion shot to make it look real. >> all interesting theories, but until we hear otherwise from the source, that is just what they are -- theories. we may never have a clear winner in the bogus versus bona fide rivalry. one thing is for sure, the fantasy files are entertaining. >> whether you think it's real or whether you think it'