keith morrison: that would be chris cravey, ashlea's boss at american eagle. police were asking about an infinity sedan. and chris made a beeline for detective cedillo. i approached him and i said, i know whose car y'all are asking about. and he says, i just to make you aware that i have a former employee that did drive a infinity g35. keith morrison: her name, he said, was carter, carter cervantes, that business-like assistant manager, who worked with ashlea. so then i asked him, you know, what color is g35 that she drove? and he mentions that it's a black one. what was that like, to hear that? well, it beats hearing the color red or white. keith morrison: and by the way, chris told detective cedillo, carter left american eagle because she was fired. cedillo filed that away, and sorted through the crime scene, and talked to witnesses. and a day that began at 8:30 that morning didn't end until 1:00 am. did you get any sleep? no, sir, i didn't. keith morrison: the story about carter cervantes and her black infinity was just bugging him. well, i'm thinking about