. >> chris crebs said the election was secure. so i think that's all feeds why he's in there and there's a loyalty purge going on in the last month in the white house. >> in michigan, a couple republican election officials were trying to -- they refused first to certify the vote in wayne county. why wayne county? it went heavily for joe biden. he gave joy join michigan, and to let the voters be heard, for their votes to count. those election officials ultimately relented. >> well, the law is clear and the vote was overwhelming. joe biden won michigan by 14 times the number of votes that donald trump won michigan in 2016. we had a full, free fair and secure election. the will of the people will stand, and i think, you know, we have to go into this, of course, bracing ourselves for more shenanigans, but at the end of the gale, the will of the people will be respected. joe biden won michigan. >> now, there's also news today on the trump strategy in wisconsin. the trump campaign saying it will pay for a recount in two heavily democrat