we're going to hear from chris cunningham and his backup jamie taylor. let's go now to the two firefighters. >> everybody on the fire ground is key into doing their portion of the job. and it just so happened on that fire that was my job, to bring him down. >> he did a pretty brave thing this morning, didn't he? >> absolutely. >> he went up that ladder. he pulled three people out of that fire. >> yes, he did. >> he wasn't want any credit. >> none. >> is that the kind of guy he is? >> that is the kind of guy he is. >> reporter: indeed, that is the kind of guy he is. look at all the debris here. i'm going to tell you another story about what happend here this morning. it involves firefighter s. thomas. she was one of the first on the scene. she had tha f she went into the building and attacked that fire up close and personal. as she did, she got ambushed by the fire and it burnt both her hands. she had to be taken to the hospital. i talked to her this afternoon after she was released. let's hear from her now. >> my adrenaline was rushing so much. i didn't