the surplus property ordinance was authored by then chris dally and passed as a ordinance at the board of supervisors and so when i originally say there was a 4 supervisor measure going on to the ballot to supersede that and expand it, i had some concerns particularly the way the things were drafted. not necessarily have agfully competitive bid process the property and concerns about neighborhood open space being swept up for development and lack of flexibility in termoffs the uses supervisor cohen described whether it is a waste water treatment plant or park our transit needs and want [inaudible] goes to the ballot and gets passed by the voters even though it is a subject that can be passed at the board of supervisors it then becomes all most impossible to make changes to it. i think it is very important that we be extremely careful when we make a decision to take a item we can easily pass at the board of supervisors and send it to the ballot to make sure it is well drafted and we have flexibility in the future. the original measure did not allow for that, it was i think problem atom