doctors, law enforcement led by franklin county sheriff chris donilon, addiction specialists and addictedso what is finally being recognized as a public health crisis rather than a criminal justice problem. >> a great opportunity to come here tonight to break bread and look at the successes that we have had so far, think what makes me more proud than anything else about living in franklin county is that we will not sit back and wait for anybody else to solve this problem for us. we're going to be a model for the commonwealth and nation on how we save our young people and save our community. [ applause ] >> the city is the place where all the bad stuff was supposed to happen, not nice towns like greenfield. it isn't the image that people used to have 20 years ago that it's a junkie in an alley somewhere using a needle. it's not. it's your kids, it's your neighbors. >> the worst i think is when you have these young people who break a leg and they go to the doctor and get a prescription for oxy and become addicted to it. these are any kid who plays a high school sport. it's a horrible circums