chris emory is a former white house usher. he worked in the east wing, and he's also the author of "white house ushers: stories from the inside." chris, thanks for being with us. you have an experience that so few people have, and so i know that you have a better sense of what could be going on in here. do you think the president is endangering the staff with his return? >> well, i hope not, and i have to believe that they're taking serious precautions. i would hope. i don't have any insight unfortunately. i hadn't seen anybody from the resident staff since president bush's funeral, but i can tell you the ushers are probably working very hard in conjunction with both the west wing staff and the east wing staff to ensure proper measures are taken. what that may mean it could mean something as simple as meals left upstairs in the private kitchen. b butlers aren't having to interact with the president. housekeeping may be changing their routine instead of daily cleaning. maybe it's -- it's, you know, once a week. i don't know, but