a question for chris from bonnie, why off field offenses drugs, et cetera, baltimore ravens running back rice. please are answer bonnie's question, why does the nfl deal dewith off field offenses? >> that's been consistent with the nfl. if you are a star player on your team then you're allowed to get away with much more than somebody who is a fringe player or backup. case in point with jim mersey, you're allowed to get away with more than a star player is allowed to get away with. that is reality of the nfl, there is a sliding scale of justice. that sliding scale of justice is also when you compare with what the normal people have to deal with, heavily skewed. normally people get locked up three, five, ten years for. but okay, do community service slap on the wrist and you're back to playing games. we have to ask ourselves as a society do we value our entertainment that highly that we're willing to overlook that kind of behavior simply because someone can run faster catch or throw a ball? >> chris, neil touched on this just a minute ago. we're seeing openly gay players, michael sam, open