of the violations against children. gabriel was on to out here at united nations in new york for chris gomez is a former unrest spokesman. he says israel king of children is often a shameful this is the ultimate list of shame that israel has been put on. because kidding, the children breaks the ultimates to blue. it gets to the very depths of to which humanity can sing. and you have to remember that some of the groups and countries on this listing to boca around isis, of kite, a russia beyond the. i mean this puts israel in a list of some of the most pulling regimes and groups in the web. i should say that thomas and his luggage had also that including, by the way, is way to set plus those things by doing in the west bank. so my reaction is that this is actually shameful. and i think, but given the totality of what we're seeing in terms of accountability mechanisms, we've got the i, c, j, the international court of justice, international criminal court, got reports coming up from the human rights council. i think as things build up, i think so the i selection of the parents spaces of israel