. >> chris ha shi for taxi services. we have 30 different color scheme permits more or less. we have 10 dispatch service permits which are different from a color scheme permit. when you see a taxi of a particular color, that is a color scheme permit. when you call a phone number, that is a dispatch service permit. i put up a chart here of our current existing dispatch service permit holders so that you would have some point of reference. we currently have, there is the 10 current dispatch service permit holders that also hold color scheme permits and the average number of medallions in column b associated with the color scheme. the average calls per month of medallion reached by one of those dispatch services. the successful picks up of per medallion in column d and the current number affiliated of medallions i will get back to that later. the intent of these dispatch service standards is to make sure that each dispatch service permit holder first of all has enough tax easy to be able to respond to request for service. if you call a phone number and ask for a taxi, the person