chris hurn helped get the mortgage. hurn runs mercantile capital, a subsidiary of orlando, florida based community bank "old florida national bank." >> the regulatory environment for banks right now is, certainly in my lifetime and your's, the most tense its ever been. and a lot of banks, if they ke too many loans to special purpose properties they really can get in some trouble with regulators. >> tom: commercial real estate lending has been getting easier if you ask bank lending officers. >> tom: a federal reserve quarterly survey of senior loan officers finds more than 13% of smaller banks reported their lending standards for commercial real estate eased somewhat in april compared to february. >> we have seen that on the commercial credit markets outside of s.b.a. lending there has been easing in the credit markets but commercial real estate values are not coming back. >> tom: the s.b.a. loan guarantee program gamaroff's us to buy its buildings e to expire in septemb, prompting calls from supporters for congress to e