steve eastbrook for having a relationship with an employee and he will be replaced by chris kemp vince key who runs the company's u.s. business right now following the news mcdonald's lost nearly $4000000000.00 in value early monday morning and with stock prices dropping by 3 percent now it would seem that mcdonald's this giant worldwide brand would not be vulnerable to this type of scandalous headline what happened here. well look at you support virtual says he came into power the stock is going to 100 percent so versatile you look at how and innovative he was now great he was for the company so this creates a little bit of fear were often thought no i'm sure that mcdonald's will regain what they lost and you know i don't think it's a great buy yet but probably a little bit lower but again people get used to the same c.e.o. very much is what have won the apple one see if you have the 1st dot and then of course when he passed away but of course that rothenberger high as it continues to get there i think the same thing you can see for mcdonald's there is no word of the company but the initi