. >> this is chris kovach of kansas. i have a question about the letter and decision. the department of justice preclearance decisions like all executive branch actions are bound by supreme court case law. i don't want to get into your internal deliberations. i'm just curious, as a legal matter, how you get around this one sentence in crawford versus marion county board of elections which is a 6-3 decision issued by justice stevens in 2008. he said in this one sentence, for most voters who need them, the inconvenience of making a trip to the bureau of motor vehicle, gathered the required documents does not represent a significant increase over the usual burdens of voting, end quote. i'm trying to assess the department's decision. how can a -- if the burdenen is not of constitutional significance as justice stevens has held or the court has held, how can a predicted difference in that burden among various racial categories be of legal significance under section 5 if the court has already ruled that this increased burden has no significance? >> we will be addressing that