marcus clark, marilyn cain, chris marino, douglas home, [speaker not understood] and we'll stop right there. and anyone else who wants to talk about this side of the hearing on workforce small business inclusion, please come to the mic. >>> good morning, my name is [speaker not understood] lee. i am one of the owners of the company called green living planet. green living planet is a janitorial company based in san francisco started in 2011. it's a very small business. [speaker not understood] america's cup a year now. america's cup has been a great income resource for us. a a company in san francisco, we feel proud of this internationally known event. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors. my name is douglas h-o-m-e. i'm a partner with lock ton insurance [speaker not understood] in san francisco. we employ 70 people at our office in embarcadaro. we have our insurance for america's cup authority and three of the america's cup teams. i wanted to speak to you this morning about the ~ financial and employment impact with the america's cup event autho