my name's chris mccausland. iam blind, friends! my name's chris mccausland.blind, that is what qualifies me to be here tonight. that's a question i get asked a lot — people asked me what you like being blind? is it like nothing? i imagine everything in he had. i live in a fa ntasy world, everything in he had. i live in a fantasy world, you know? and it's not a conscious thing, i don't try to conjure it up in me had, it's like a unconscious thing. i summon this imagination around me at all times. maybe i did used to be able to see in my brain tries to function visually, i try to picture it, but i'm wrong about everything. i'm wrong about everything all the time. the world in my head, i mean first of all, it is built on assumptions and deductions based on what i can tell and hear and feel and then all the gaps are filled in with pure flights of abstract imagination. i'm wrong about everything. i'm wrong about what people look like old design. and you will do this yourselves to an extent. you know? you be at home, you'll have the radio one common summer will be