it joining me now is jon mcglocklin, trump 20/20 polster and chris bradford, senior editor at the federalist. chris, however this shakes out, and i love these legal challenges because we have to get to the bottom of all of this and expose fraud where it occurred. i would much rather be the g.o.p. right now, given the democrat attempt at a coalition. >> the g.o.p. is in a strong place, the exact kind of party that you and other populists have set out to what they wanted at the end of the administration. whether it's now or four years or whether he comes back and runs another time, this is a working-class party, a populist party, an american, patriotic party. those concerns don't know any skin color. they know wealth and access to power. these woke values at the center of the democratic party are the luxury of the ultra rich and ultra-elite. they can't be afforded by people who care about the country and are trying to take care of their family. voter fraud -- he has the means to take care of this. he has to treat philadelphia and other cities like the mob. if you going with federal agents and