we visited chris middleton's family farm to discuss his experience of working there as a teenager. >> think more teenagers should experience the same sort of thing. >> families with tobacco heritage have a very different approach to this issue compared to migrants or immigrant families. due to the loose regulations of the tobacco industry, many undocumented children are able to find jobs out on the field. the work may be dangerous, but records, most of child labor is caused by the imperial need to survive. "the washington post detailed the reasons why child labor in regards to tobacco is that an accessible and missed -- industry for immigrants. >> latino families, undocumented families domigrant this work because not a lot of other people will do this work. >> child labor in the tobacco industry is an issue that is rarely spoken about and often not given the attention it deserves. children working in tobacco fields deal with serious health and educational implications that stay with them for life and keep them in the cycle of poverty. >> i don't think the solution is to say those peop