chris there ufg union bank. coming up on bloomberg's open, a to ersation you don't want miss with mohammed al arian, hief economic advisor and bloomberg columnist. that interview 9:30 a.m. in new york. that's 1:30 p.m. in london, and this is bloomberg. >> uber surged after telling billions it will have of dollars in cash. executive spoke exclusively to bloomberg about withstand ity to potential losses posed by the coronavirus? scenario -- the edge case scenario that we outlined assumes that will be ly the world down 80% for the rest of the and i think what we're seeing with hong kong is their hit, but once the health authorities get control of the situation, life does return, and when life returns, essentially returns. instantly in hong kong we've had people going back to work, and work, go being bah to commuters start using our services that they always have, think if we assume that authorities, the cities, the governor, the president, all over the world decisions the hard and the necessary moves to ontrol the virus then eventually life will come back, and when life comes back and people start going back to work