my sincere thanks goes to state senator jay nelson, state senator chris harris, state senator john carona, and state representatives vicky truett, burt solomons, linda harper brown, and todd staples. these brave men and women have taken a courageous stand on this issue and i feel it's my obligation to follow through with their request. the federal government must end sustained deficit spending. in fiscal year 2010, the federal government accumulated a deficit in excess of $1.3 trillion. an annual deficit that exceeds the entire gross state product of texas. in order to finance our current deficit, we borrow 40 cents of every dollar we spend. 40 cents on the dollar. money that could easily go to pay our national debt down. the longer we wait only results in more debt, debt that we will pass along to our children and to our grandchildren. national debt -- our national debt currently stands at $14.7 trillion, which equals a debt per taxpayer, per taxpayer of $131,288. this is a problem that we can no longer ignore. i urge my colleagues to join me in supporting the texas legislature's request