very aware of what was -- what the discussion was and what the recommendations looked to be, and chris noland is in our office so that was helpful. there was three areas that i think we have focused on. one is the -- that was one of the places that we saw. there was a lot of conversation about how our folks who are in -- from the lgbt community, how do they thrive in institutional care and how can it be helpful. we believe the funding that we have put into our budget would be helpful. it's also -- we've got a contrast going forward in this budget cycle, so it's the end of this month. this is june for both case management that has a very specific piece related to the lgbt community and we had an rsp out for aging disability resource centers and there was a specific piece in there for the lgbt community as well. we have been very successful, we believe in being able to fund organizations to fit in those and those were two other recommendations that came into the report. there is a lot more to be done and we look forward to working with members of the community on how we can implement additional