colin powell is against attacking assad saying america should not be going around inte of other countries. chris christie is not putting forth an opinion, but did owe pine that the use of chemical weapons is, quote, intolerable for civilized society. mitt romney traveling overseas has not given an opinion even though we asked him if he weighs in we will report it. jesse jackson at first opposed military action, but now has changed his mind saying americans have to, quote, back the president up. congressman paul ryan's office told the factor he has not yet made up his mind on th issue, but he has not seen enough evidence to support an attack. oprah winfrey will not comment even though we asked her. and our pal glen beck is against attacking assad believing it may lead to world war 3 and would involve russia, iran and china lining up against america. while opinions are all over the place, talking points believes a debate is healthy and there are good points on both sides. syria is not an immediate threat to the usa, but neither was saddam hussein. both situations involve speculation of what could