so, i say, is your husband aware of your relationship with chris regular regan? , yes, he's fine with it." jason cochran is standing there just stoically not saying a word, just like a statue, no emotion. she says, i figured chris left for north carolina without saying goodbye to me. so, i told her, i said, we were wondering why the car is at the park and ride. and kelly cochran said, in the past tense, "he loved that car." >> and sergeant barrette called me afterwards and said, i found that to be very chilling and odd that she said past tense -- he loved that car. >> because of her tiny department's limited resources, chief frizzo asks for help from the michigan state police. they send two detectives who question the cochrans the very next day. >> and i'll tell you guys in advance, i see a therapist for high anxiety. >> i'm listening to jason cochran's interview with the detective. he immediately -- i mean, there's no questions asked even yet, and he's like, i just want to let you know i haven't been doing too well lately. >> i actually was institutionalized a li