i hadn't seen chris stapleton and chris stapleton was on- - [eric] that's the guy with the monster beard? - he's got a pretty big beard. he's stellar and he was on the cruise. i'd never seen him, he's very popular. but was doing a venue of 2,000 people on that cruise, he agreed to do it, and the guy can fill out a stage. - [eric] there's a 2,000 person venue on cruises? i need go on cruises. - they're big boats. - [eric] well it sounds like a very big boat. so, we were visiting before we came out here today about your teenage child and mine. and the fact that they listen to music that is very different from any music that we listen to and there are names that they would say and of course a conversation we would never actually (mumbles). that may be one way to actually ground you, if it's not radio, your ''60s on 6' not withstanding, you may get some of a sense of what's going on in the world today from your daughter. - you know what's been great is she is a great singer and a self-taught guitar player and can do pretty well. but, she asked me to learn songs that are contemporary songs on