and joining me now is sheriff chris swanson of genesee county, michigan. he spoke at the democratic national convention last month, and sheriff, thank you for being here. i listened to your speech at the dnc. it was heartfelt, it was moving. you talked about what happened on january 6th. i wonder how you feel hearing trump casually admit that the thing that got 140 police officers beaten up and maimed and six people killed, including officers, including officer sicknick, a hero laid in state at the capitol, how do you feel hearing him say, oh, yeah, i lost? >> let me add another layer of pain. it has cost people's friendships, it has split families. it has divided churches, it has broken up business relationships. four years too late, i agree with you. >> it's stunning to me, and when i heard it, i had to rewind it a couple times because it was so casual. and so many people have made this into almost a religion. and as you said, it's broken up relationships but it's also contorted the relationships of police with one another. mike fanone has gotten death t