my name's chris weiss. i'm a fourth grade teacher at sfusd, and i've supported four over night field trips to fort funston. i'm here to support full-time t.s.a. position for them. the t.s.a. is the heart of this field trip. as you've heard the previous speaker say, the field trip does not happen. if the t.s.a. was not there, yes, we could take them out there, but they would not have one of the most unique and powerful experiences they have as a student. as the t.s.a., the students are connecting with people who are connected to the environment there. i remember i had a student at our beautiful closing circle, someone who had been diagnosed with anxiety disorder. when we share our favorite things from those two days, his favorite thing was just feeling accepted. for teachers, the t.s.a. answers every possible question or concern that could pop in the head at one in the morning. you can text a t.s.a., you will get an answer back. i don't know how many of you have taken 33 students on an overnight field trip?