. >> let's talk a little more about the second half with chrisina hooper, global market strategist at invesco. good to see you, christina. welcome back. >> good to see u. thank you. >> will the second half of the year be marked by the type of disruption and olatility that's been characteristic of the first half? >> absolutely. i thinke't's very likely going to see that because we have the same drivers in place. specifically monetary policy is being unwound. and this isn't just ordinary monetar t policy,s is experimental monetary policy. so unwinding is an experiment in and of itself. what i think is going to happen is we'll seed continue normalization of capital markets as we normalize that monetary policy. >> you also se higher prices, you see a little slower growth. is it enough that you would tl investors to start thinking about investing in traditional inflation hedges? >> traditional inflation hedges hould always be part of an investor's portfolio. so if it isn't, they should include it in there. there is a wide array of options from commodies to nflation securitie to income-prod