larson, kim harvey, todd cole, sal jen teal, allison coke, tara melter, diane shamus, katy grutry, chrismanskoe who do rigorous, uncompromising journalist each and every week. we are extremely grateful there are viewers out there like yourselves, people who watch this show and argue with it and send me e-mail and tweets, both complimentary and occasionally enraged. i am generally thankful to live in this strange era in which technology puts us in close contact with our critics. brutal criticism forces us to think hard about what we are doing on this show and whether we are living up to the potential of this medium and the wonderful privilege of being able to talk to you every weekend. thank you for being so engaged and thank you for joining us today for "up." join us tomorrow, sunday morning at 8:00. we'll have democratic congressman, steve cone and the situation in gaza and the crazy news out of eyipt. mohamed morsi, one of the most fascinating world figures. one day i helps negotiate a cease-fire and the next doe layers himself a unilateral dictator. we are going to dive deep and look at