congratulations to chief dean chrisman, the 27th fire chief of the san francisco fire department. thank you, vic. next we'll hear from dean's brother randy crispin. >> thank you, joe. and good morning everyone. i had the great fortune to be born 11 years before dean and so i got to watch him grow up and develop into the man that he is today. >> and i did i was able to do that with the maturity of being quite a bit older than he was. >> and so now when people ask me if i'm surprised that dean has been selected to lead this great department, i have to say i'm not surprised at all. >> because dean has been doing great things his entire life. >> now i think all of you know about at least some of dean's accomplishments as a firefighter. vic alluded to some of them. >> i'd be remiss if i didn't mention at least a few three commendations for rescuing fire victims, elderly fire victims in the tenderloin meeting the city's response to more than 50 major incidents. and as vic also alluded to organizing a group of firefighters to go to new york city as soon as they could after 911 to work on