showing you can tailor songs for tiktaalik a good song needs a short chrispin truck drums and strong bangs. but i think you can use any song to create any vibe on take talk i wouldn't say i make my songs for that specifically. about if i hear a b. time like owl take it and write something. now has a record deal and is actively using take talk to promote his music. stars are born on take stock but they don't dominate the platform yet like they do or instagram that's because tick tocks algorithm evaluates each video individually we've got less of who posted it so in. theory everyone has an equal chance at 15 seconds. tick tock has an estimated 800000000 active monthly users worldwide on average but younger than users on other social networks and it goes without saying that take talk is extremely attractive for brands. in germany tick-tock still has relatively little advertising compared to other social media platforms but the ad industry is becoming aware of the ups potential. reach and creators are seeing the possibilities and the brands are seeing the possibilities so we're at the th